The Contemplative Evolution Network (CEN) is a network of people who seek to change the violent and hurting situations in our world through the power and intention of contemplative time together, and so help evolve the world through Love.
This “contemplative time together” does not necessarily require physical presence. Believing in the power of prayer, especially prayer with others, and aware of discoveries of more recent times that energy goes where intention is directed and can effect change, those who choose to be part of the CEN:
- hold the time between 4 and 5 pm each day as a sacred time of united, intentional prayer and loving focus on situations of violence, oppression or need in the world;
- sit in prayerful contemplation, for all or part of the time – alone or with others – and hold in God’s Love, a particular situation of personal concern. Those who can sit contemplatively during this hour, link their minds, hearts and prayer with others in the network.
- even if unable to actually sit in prayer at the suggested time, can still hold the hour as a sacred time of communing with those who can via intention and desire e.g. glancing at the clock in the midst of a meeting or some other activity, and momentarily joining hearts – through intention – with those who are engaged in more focused prayer. This is contemplative awareness in the midst of action.
Participation of the retired and elderly is particularly important. They may be more flexible with time, and their wisdom, experience and prayer have grown strong with the years.
When first conceived, CEN was a small group of three or four people who believed that if meditating together can lessen crime rates in a city, it is possible to take on a larger enterprise of changing situations in the world through non-violent means, by prayerful awareness and intentionality entered into together.
Until now invitations to join this activity have been by word of mouth but, as more people want to participate, and it may be helpful to know how many others are involved, it is now possible to sign on to the network via this website.
There may be occasions when a greater focusing of attention (and intention) may be necessary eg if a world crisis or disaster arises. When such is the case, a general e-mail can be sent to invite all in the CEN to hold this situation in contemplative awareness.
Given different time zones in which participants may be living, it could mean that this practice, geared towards evolving the world towards greater consciousness and love, could be happening continuously around the world, thus providing greater outreach and strength to the whole.
So much more is possible if people, as larger bodies, turn their consciousness to the deeper places within. Rather than feeling powerless alone, we can experience that we are powerful beyond measure as we help transform the world around us into the larger BODY of Christ, through the power of the Spirit.
Christianity, has much to offer a world torn by violence, poverty and displacement. Other religious traditions have their own gifts of meditation practice to offer as well.
With quantum discoveries increasingly providing a basis for understanding meditation and its potential effects on environment, the time is now ripe for all to work together to help evolve the world towards greater consciousness, healing and peace.