
Our resources page provides links and resources for this network.
Sharing and connecting these resources across the world in order to assist your efforts in transforming the world one thought at a time.

List of Resources


Dadirri by Dr Miriam-Rose Ungunmerr – posted with permission.


Graced Beyond Telling by Corrie van den Bosch ISBN 9781922589415

Love’s Oneing: A book about Contemplation by Kerrie Hide    

Boots, Cracked Pots and a Place at the Table by Madeline Duckett     


Hunger for Wholeness by Ilia Delio    Hunger for Wholeness | Podcast on Spotify

Turning to the Mystics CAC Podcast with James Finley Turning to the Mystics — CAC Podcast with James Finley

February 2023

Here is an opportunity to share in a Lenten Reflection on Zoom.

Lenten Beholdings with Julian of Norwich lead by Dr Kerrie Hide and Dr Robyn Fitzgerald.

December 2022

New Book from Kerrie Hide

Love’s Oneing

Here is book about contemplation….
in which the soul is oned to God
The Cloud of Unknowing.

Kerrie writes of her book:

I wrote Love’s Oneing because so many people asked me to gather together and share the content of my retreats over the years.  The writings draw together nine mystics: Julian of Norwich, the Cloud of Unknowing author, Meister Eckhart, Mechthild of Magdeburg, Clare of Assisi, John of the Cross, Teilhard de Chardin, Beatrice Bruteau and Ilia Delio.  Each of these beautiful souls have nourished my prayer and helped me explore my understanding of salvation as oneing in God in love.

Robyn Fitzgerald writes:

Kerrie Hide’s most recent book, Love’s Oneing: A Book About Contemplation was released last week. It is a most beautiful book, in which Kerrie explores contemplation from nine mystics from the Christian tradition: Julian of Norwich, the Cloud of Unknowing author, Meister Eckhart, Mechthild of Magdeburg, Clare of Assisi, John of the Cross, Teilhard de Chardin, Beatrice Bruteau and Ilia Delio.  Along with specific and sensitive teachings about the contemplation, Kerrie offers insights from her journals drawn from decades of prayer, as well as offering a contemplative practice at the end of each chapter to help ground the wisdom of each mystic in daily life.

Ilia Delio writes: “This is a beautiful book on every page.  Kerrie leads us into the heart of contemplation, not as an exercise or method, but as a deep awakening to our truest reality.  Kerrie reveals the Christic dimension of life in her illuminative prose, awakening the reader to the “more” of ever-changing reality.  This is a book on contemplation translated into the key of our dynamic, entangled reality.  Here the reader is invited into the journey, the exploration, the adventure of love’s endless search for completion.  The title “Oneing” is apt for this constant search for love, not merely a human search, but a divine search as well.  For God is seeking to become One with us, to become more in us, a divine-created newness in love.  Oneing is the invitation of this moment to realize that God is ever more newness in love.”

Love’s Oneing: A Book About Contemplation is available at St Paul’s Book and Media Centre, 50 Castlereagh St, Sydney NSW 2000.  Phone (02) 92648630. 

It is also available at Book Depository and Amazon online.

September 2020
Audio Resources for Meditation from the Omega Australia Conference

Omega Australia ran a conference on the first weekend in September on the vision and foundational ideas of Beatrice Bruteau who died in 2014 but who would be considered by many as a prophetic voice in our time. As three of our CEN writers were involved in offering sessions for this conference and these sessions were recorded, Omega offered to make these recordings of input and guided meditations available to CEN members who may be interested to listen. You can click on the session to take you to the audio file.

Meditation Session One
Meditation Session Two
Meditation Session Three
Meditation Session Four
Meditation Session Five

Article by Kerrie Hide


Pondering the Mystery with Clare of Assisi

“I hold this memory in my heart,
and my spirit dissolves within me.”

Clare of Assisi, 4th Letter to Agnes, line 26.

Vulnerability flooded through my being recently as I underwent some hip surgery. She had become my friend before, when, in the spring-time of my life, I felt that my heart was broken.  Yet, this experience was quite different.  It involved a deeper level of my consciousness.  A new level of fragility and dependency was thrust into my awareness… read more

New Book

Madeline has written a book and we offer her introduction which appeared in Just Mercy
in December.

If you would like a copy of Madeline’s book – Download an order form here.

It’s funny how things happen, seemingly by chance! But is it chance or is there some deeper rhythm of being at work within all that unfolds in our lives? Synchronicity…or…something else?


The book Boots, Cracked Pots and a Place at the Table was a fun title that arose in my mind a few years ago after having facilitated some twenty-five or so retreats on our Mercy Constitutions. Three symbols used during those retreats seemed to stand out because they resonated with many, at a number of levels. I began to wonder if a small book of reflections might draw out these symbols further, to deepen reflection on them, so I started.

Synchronistically I was becoming absorbed by readings related to the evolutionary unfolding of the universe and its implications for our faith and spirituality. I wondered what place mercy has in the larger story coming into view in our times. How might the three symbols of mercy that had emerged through the retreats merge with the larger story?

Synchronistically Pope Francis appeared on the world stage as an insistent voice on our call to be people of mercy more than ever if we are to be the face of God’s love in the world. Sometime later, as if ‘by chance’ Laudato Si on Care For Our Common Home was published, underlining our interconnectedness with and responsibility towards our larger environment.

Synchronistically Cardinal Walter Kasper’s recent book Mercy the Essence of the Gospel and the Key to Christian Life came into the public limelight and linked arms with Pope Francis’ call to be people of mercy. It stressed again the desperate need for mercy in our current world situation and the essential message of the scriptures to be that mercy because of who we are.

Synchronistically mercy was thrust into public view when numerous people from around this country at least were joining hands and voices in the media, calling the Indonesian Government to have mercy on three men condemned to death for drug trafficking. Their common voice and accompanying images in the news said simply but strongly, “We stand for mercy”.

Synchronistically Pope Francis announced an Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy, from Advent this year to November 2016.

Synchronistically Veronica Lawson’s book, The Blessing of Mercy was published as a wonderful biblical resource to break open the word of mercy in the scriptures, and linking it with the cry of the Earth and Earth’s people.

All of this was happening around me as Boots, Cracked Pots… was being written. It seemed ‘by chance’ that the publication date kept moving further and further forward. Originally it was intended to have been released around the Feast of Our Lady of Mercy in September. But in the overall ‘chance’ rhythm of things, that was not the time for Boots… It was the time for The Blessing of Mercy – and how right that was!

Now, as if by chance, Boots, Cracked Pots and a Place at the Table will be available around the time of the launch of the Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy – and how right that is! To those who have encouraged me along the way and supported me as I wrote (or felt like giving it all away), to those who have made retreats on this material and wanted to reflect on it a little more – thank you, and may your living of mercy deepen even more if you care to have a copy for your own reflection and pray further into mercy.

Synchronicity? No, nothing happens by chance!

Prayer Resources

An article by Kerri Hide entitled Contemplative Intention by Kerri Hide
as well as Prayers for Entering into the Sacred Space of Contemplative Intention by Kerri Hide
and from Ruth Pickard an offering of her prayers, inspired by her drawings which were the fruit of her time in contemplation – Prayers Inspired by the time in Contemplation by Ruth Pickard

Websites & Articles

Ilia Delio OSF – Ilia’s Website
Ilia Delio, OSF is a Franciscan Sister of Washington, DC and American theologian specializing in the area of science and religion, with interests in evolution, physics and neuroscience and the import of these for theology. On her website, you’ll find Ilia’s biography and schedule, and a list of books she has written (with links to for easy ordering).


Madeline Duckett rsm has written an article which was first printed for  LCWR Occasional Papers Winter 2014 entitled “Everything”. This is now available with permission from the Leadership Conference of Women Religious. “What do new understandings of cosmology and their impact on Christian theology have to do with such things as our service to persons who are poor, how we live in community, or how we pray? When I shared this question with a friend, her reply was: “Everything!””
Download a copy of this article here. Everything! Madeline Duckett rsm



Monica Brown – Emmaus Productions
Monica’s music is sung all over the world by people of all ages in schools and parishes, in family homes and religious communities, in hospitals and prisons and places of gathering and celebration. Monica’s songs are touching the hearts of so many in the ordinary and far from ordinary moments of life. Her music is used to celebrate, to comfort, to heal and to give expression to the Sacred in people’s lives. Monica has many resources available on her website, but two in particular are very relevant for our sharing here. “Holy Mystery” and “Mother Earth Resource Kit”. Visit Monica’s website for more information.