Becoming Involved
Involvement in CEN is as simple as taking some time out each day to be still and intentional about the needs of the world.
You could also add your name to participants of CEN and be added to the email list. Please go to our Contact page and fill out the form for registration.
Adding your name to this list is not essential to being part of the Contemplative Evolution Network, it simply gives you access to notifications and other material that may not go on the website.
You can also type a message or share your reflections with the group. By sharing your own insights to what has been posted gives others an opportunity to reflect more deeply on the material they have read. You could also share how they might have used the material either yourself or with a group.
If you are happy for these comments, reflections and messages to be shared with the network we will post them on the Messages page of the website. Just email them to us using the Contact page.